So for the last couple of weeks we have been watching westerns in class, and I have to say that I have not been very impressed. Well, impressed may not be the correct term here, actually a better way to say it would be that they did not live up to my expectations. When you think of the stereotypical western, you think of tons of gunplay and the scenes of bar-scenes and shootouts, at least that's what I think of. Instead, I was stunned by the amount of frill that some of the movies exhibited. For example, the scene at the train station in Once Upon a Time in the West, the scene dragged on for a completely unnecessary amount of time, I mean come on, I don't wanna watch some dude swat at a fly for what seemed like 5 minutes. That movie was full of ridiculously long scenes, Jill arriving, the auction scene, I could go on and on.
After going through all this filler we get to the shootout scene, the big attraction where all of my gripes will be wiped away after the greatness of this scene, right?. Wrong, My Darling Clementine is a prime example of the shootout, the main feature being a complete let-down. First of all, practically every shootout is over in less than 15 seconds. and secondly it is ridiculously unrealistic. Men are shot through the heart every single time with some fairly crude handguns and then fall over in the most awkward fashion imaginable. The only redeeming factor in all of this is the story, which many times follows a fairly intriguing plot, such as Once Upon a Time in the West. But in other westerns, see My Darling Clementine, the plot comes out to be utterly predictable and dull, making for an overall disappointing film.