After viewing Memento in class, I have decided that Christopher Nolan is definitely my favorite director. He has made movies that appeal widely to me, from The Dark Knight to The Prestige his style fits perfectly for me. His movies seem to be characterized by the sharp plot twists that throw you right on your head and make you think back on all the clues that seemed odd before and now seem to all fit. A great example of this is the scene in The Prestige where Rebecca Hall's character mentions that Christian Bale's character's severed finger wound seems to have been reopened. When viewing the film, this seemed like a trivial detail to me at the time but has huge impact on the plot. It is twists like this that seem to be able to really make a film pull you in from a mere viewer to an active participant, trying to figure out the next turn.
Nolan seems to enjoy the theme of obsession throughout all of his films from Leonard's quest for revenge to the battle of the magicians in the Prestige to Batman's fight against villainy, all of his characters seem to have a goal they pursue with little hesitation to determine the consequences. This is another part of his films that I particularly enjoy as once the main character has seemingly finished his quest he is forced to start picking up the pieces of the mess he has made along the way to his goal.
I agree with you the whole way, the prestige is one of my favorite movies, all the twists and turns. You did a good job analyzing it too.
Ya, nice analyzation. The Prestige was a pretty dang good movie, and i think im going to watch it again soon.
Christifer Nolan is great at directing movies. I loved the Prestige. I really liked the plot and the crazy ending. I still think about it and wonder.
I really want to see this film. I agree in that it is sweet when the director is able to create such a tricky plot, where you never know what to expect.
I agree with you that prestige is a good movie. and Christopher Nolan is a great director.Good work analyzing.
I really like this movie and I agree with you love for this director! He is confusing and creative with his work and I like how you talk about that in your post
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